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主演:蔡康永 向俊达 胡雅竹 韩伊丽



集数时长:共30集  /  每集45分钟

语言字幕:国语对白 中文字幕


更新时间:2021-01-12 20:03:03


影视简介:成功的爱情故事一直是我们的期待,2006年由知名导演拍摄的言情类型电影《风雨丽人》再次将感人肺腑的故事展现出来,令红尘中百折不回的动人情缘变得鲜活生动。 电影《风雨丽人》采用分割叙事手法,先是叙述了三个具有代表性的感情故事时,依次发生在1980年、1995年、2006年,使得银幕上流传三个完全不同但也完整的爱情故事。这三部分故事均由蔡康永、向俊达、胡雅竹、韩伊丽等当红明星杰出完成,其表演十分出色,一出场便令人心动。他们在片中对所扮演角色的重塑定会使你深受感动,因为最好的一切如此真实。 Frameworks, characters and stories in “Rain and Shine” are so wonderful that you will burst into tears sometimes while watching it. It is a tear-jerking movie that tells love stories from three different times—1980s, 1995s and 2006s. The lead stars outing in the movie are Cai Kangyong, Xiang Junda, Hu Yazhu and Han Yili. Each one of them melts carefully into every character they play and deliver wonderful performance, which makes their acting achievable and pouring with feelings. The movie touches our emotions no matter how cynical we are, thanks to its clever use of flashbacks narrative style. It shows us the painstakingly of love in three different periods of time. While we watch those heartbreaking moments happen again and again, we cannot help but start to develop an eternally hopeful expectation deep down in our hearts—the hope that true love will last forever no matter what tide it has to weather through



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